

Prokosch – Pumpen und Armaturen GmbH

Prokosch – Pumpen und Armaturen GmbH
In der Breitwiese 9
D-76684 Östringen

Contact: Tel. 0 72 59 – 91 03-0 Fax 0 72 59 – 91 03 49 E-Mail: Internet:

VAT ID per § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 811 37 2409

Director: Mr. Heikki Hyttinen, Dipl.Ing (FH)

Registry: Amtsgericht Mannheim Register Number: HRB 0258

Responsible Chamber: Handwerkskammer Karlsruhe, Friedrichsplatz 4-5, 76133 Karlsruhe

Responsibility for content per § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Heikki Hyttinen

Concept, design and realization: SMARTTEC

Disclaimer: The internet offer of Prokosch – Pumpen und Armaturen GmbH has been compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, no guarantee is given for the functionality or accuracy of the information provided. Any liability for damages resulting from the use of this internet offer is excluded, if they are not based on intent or gross negligence. Links (references to other Internet pages) have been placed on our Internet pages. Prokosch – Pumpen und Armaturen GmbH does not assume any liability for the content of the linked pages.

Copyright: All contents (e.g. logos, pictures etc.) of our internet pages are protected by copyright. Copying, duplicating or commercial use is prohibited without the permission of Prokosch – Pumpen und Armaturen GmbH.